Secret 1: Affirm Wisdom - Make people feel like it's their idea to subscribe, they will be less hesitant. For example, you could say, "You are making a smart decision for subscribing." Another example, "Thank you for making an intelligent choice and subscribing to our e-zine!" Plus you're assuming ahead of time they are going to subscribe. Secret 2: Package Deals - Sell your product in a package deal with other web businesses.
You can both advertise it and split the profits. For example, if you are selling tennis rackets, maybe you could partner with a tennis ball business and package them together. It's a win/win joint venture deal. Secret 3: Rental Products - Rent your products out for a set period of time.
It's like selling but you get the products back to rent again. You could make more profit in the long run renting your products or services. People today have less money and would rather rent than buy something and only use it once. Secret 4: Subscription Products - Allow people to subscribe to your products. It works best when selling information products, services or memberships.
You could charge them per week, per month, per quarter or per year. It will bring in secure residual income. Plus you can sell your subscribers back-end products for single sales. Secret 5: Lease Products - Allow people to lease your products.
It's like renting them but they have the option of buying at the end of the lease. For example, if you were leasing out computers, the customers would pay you a monthly fee. If they returned the computer at the end of their lease, you could lease it out again to someone else, or even sell it. Secret 6: Message Boards - Add a message board to your web site. People will visit your web site to ask questions and answer other people's questions.
Some people will just participate on message boards so they can leave their link but those people may end up buying your product too. Secret 7: Web Links - Add a directory of web site links to your web site. People will visit your web site to find related web site links for the topic they're interested in. This saves them time and effort searching for all those links personally. If you update it often, they will come back and revisit and maybe buy one of your products. Secret 8: Articles - Add an article section to your web site.
People will visit your web site to read and learn new information related to their interests. You want to have original content so people can't go anywhere else to get it. You also want to update it regularly so they will want to revisit your web site over and over. Secret 9: E-zine Archives - Add an archive of past e-zine issues to your web site. Your new subscribers will visit your web site to read the past issues that they've missed. Your old subscribers might want to look up some information or ads they remembered seeing in your e-zine.
Secret 10: E-Book Directory - Add a free e-book directory to your web site. People will visit your site to download, study, and read new information. If you do add one, offer e-book related products. Those people might decide they want to create their own e-book and submit it to your directory.
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